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Frequently asked questions

Here are answers to the questions we seem to get all the time.

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Html Code Validation, Is it important?

It all depends on who you ask. But we like to go straight to the source: As a best practice, we like to follow all of the webmaster guidelines recommended by Google, Bing, and Yahoo. See for yourself Validate us.Find out more

What Are Organic Search Results?

What Are Organic Search Results. Listings of websites that appear on search engine results because of their relevance to the search terms and not as a direct result of paid advertising are considered organic search results. We strive to make your website as relevant as possible so that Google, Bing, and Yahoo will see your website as the best choice for certain keywords.Find out more

What is a corporate email account?

A corporate email account is an Microsoft Exchange email solution. Some features in Outlook require you to use a Microsoft Exchange account. Exchange is an e-mail-based collaborative communications server for businesses. Get business email, calendar, and contacts on your PC, phone, and web browser. Exchange Online lets you increase your productivity and safeguard your organization, while maintainiFind out more

What is responsive web site design?

Responsive web site design is the ability of the website to respond appropriately to a number of different devices and screen sizes. Each website is custom tailored to respond to mobile phones and other small screens.Find out more

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